Site Goals

I have a few goals for this site. The site and the goals are very much a work in progress. They both will likely change over time but let’s document them for now.


This will be a basic site that serves well formed HTML and CSS. If you so choose, you could look at the page source instead of the rendered HTML and be able to read and comprehend everything on the page.

No JavaScript

JavaScript will not be required to view or participate in any portion of the site. This is largely based on principal because I’m tired of the copious amounts of JavaScript required to navigate the modern web. I will try my best to avoid or limit the use of client side code. I hesitate to say no JavaScript will be served. Currently that is the case but I can see that changing in the future if a compelling enough reason comes along. For now, we’ll stay pure.

No 3rd Parties

No data will be shared with any 3rd party. For now I don’t collect any data on visitors besides the most basic server logs. I plan to create some system that allows me at a minimum see the number of visitors to a page. But at no point will any of that data be shared with another party. This site is currently hosted with GitHub Pages so GitHub can in theory track site visitors. I am in the process of moving to a self maintained cloud server. Hopefully this change will occur relatively soon.

No File Extensions

This is a purely aesthetic choice but I prefer a site’s URL to not include a file extension at the end. This is when a URL ends in something like .php or .html. such as instead of It’s a leak of the implementation details of the server and can cause problems if the file type being served ever changes. Let’s just stop doing that and make URLs a little bit better.